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Fowl Language: The Struggle Is Real

$ 15.00

"Are you a tired-a$$ parent looking for a little comic relief? Or you know someone who could use the entertainment?

Maybe you just want to educate parents-to-be about what they're in for? Well, look no further than the first two volumes of parenting comics from Fowl Language: Welcome To Parenting and The Struggle Is Real."  -Brian Gordon

Fowl Language Comics, the internet sensation, is back with its second book, Fowl Language: The Struggle Is Real. It is the perfect parenting book with a little humor fit for anyone who enjoyed Toddlers Are A**holes!

“This Guy’s Comics Hilariously Sum Up the Truth About Being a Parent.”

He is back and he has gotten parenting all figured out this time. KIDDING.

It's an addition to Fowl Language comics, ripped from the headlines of the writer’s actual friggin' life.

You will have your laughs. You will shed a tear. You will curse. It's almost exactly like spending a day as a parent, except without the annoying little people.

You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll swear. It's almost exactly like a day of parenting, except without the annoying little people.

Meet the Author: Brian Gordon

"I decided in kindergarten that I wanted to be a cartoonist. My classmates had equally unrealistic life goals, like becoming superheroes or princesses, but I was more tenacious.

So far, things are working out okay. Secret to my success? I suck worse at everything else. You get a lot of drawing done when Plan B is Starve To Death.

My comics are largely inspired by my struggles as a parent, my fascination with technology, science and all things geeky. Oh, and a constant, crushing wave of self-doubt and anxiety. That’s a big source of inspiration, too.

It’s good work if you can get it."

-Brian Gordon

Product Details

  • ISBN-978-1-4494-8675-4
  • Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
  • Publication date: 10/10/2017
  • Pages: 128
  • Product dimensions: 6.50 (w) x 8.00 (h)