Limited Time Price Drop on Heart and Brain Plushies

Webcomicon 2025

Early Bird Tickets AVAILABLE NOW!

While supplies last

Info and Tickets
You're Doing Great!

New Book by Nick Seluk

Heartfelt Activities for Mental and Emotional Progress

Order Quiet, Brain!

The Latest Heart and Brain Collection

Featuring the best of nearly 5 years of comics

Order Onward to Good Things

Creator Owned

The Awkward Store is proudly owned by cartoonist and game developer Nick Seluk, the New York Times Bestselling creator of Heart and Brain and OrganATTACK!

His webcomic, The Awkward Yeti, is followed by about 4-million people on social media. You can find his work on Facebook, Instagram, or support his Patreon for exclusive content every week and instant access to hundreds of posts!

Join Nick's Patreon

A Store for your Heart and Brain

The Awkward Store believes in direct communication about medical and mental health through humor. Life is heavy, let's lighten it up!

Digital Gift Cards

Delivered instantly and ready to use!

Expand your Collection

This fan favorite expansion pack for OrganATTACK helps you remove your friends’ organs cooperatively, as it should be.

Heart Collectable Figurines

They're 3-D Printed In-House!


The Awkward Store is now an official retailer of GIANTmicrobes! There's always room for more Microbiology!